Experiencias únicas en Sør-Sverige

Experiencias únicas en Sør-Sverige

Reserva actividades inolvidables que la gente de la zona ofrece en Airbnb.

Todas las actividades cerca de Sør-Sverige

Abandoned mine and Swedish fika by the fire
Come with me to an abandoned copper mine and enjoy a Swedish fika by the fire afterwards. We might see bats and toads inside the mine and will make sure you leave with great photos and memories of this special place. We meet at my home to supply you with rubber boots and flashlights. From there we drive to the mine for a personal tour. We go through the old mine shaft and into the beautiful open space at the end. After we have enjoyed this special feeling of being inside the mountain we go back outside for a toasted cinnamon bun over the fire. I take care of everything and all you need is an adventurous spirit and some warm clothes since it’s always chilly in the mine.
Sesión de fotos en el bosque
Wir werden wild wachsende Bäume und mit Moos bedeckte Felsen entdecken. Der Wald ist 200-600 Jahre alt und ist die perfekte Kulisse für ein tolles Shooting. Egal ob im Sommer oder im Winter. Wir treffen uns am Wald und machen einen gemütlichen Spaziergang. Auf diesem Spaziergang werden wir immer mal anhalten und eine geeignete Location zum Shooten finden. Das Shooting dauert ca. 90 Minuten. Mit Glück können wir Elche und Wild entdecken. Solltest du deinen Hund mit dabei haben - freue ich mich sehr. Du bekommst 10 bearbeitete Fotos als Download von mir. Die Fotos sind innerhalb von 7 Tagen fertig. Die Dateien sind für einen sehr guten Druck geeignet. Ansonsten zu beachten: Die Uhrzeit werden wir am Abend vorher festlegen. Da sich das Wetter schnell ändert und wir nicht bei Regen oder 30 Grad fotografieren wollen. Hast du Fragen? Gerne kannst du mich vor der Buchung über AirBnB anschreiben.
Evening kayak tour on peaceful Emån river
Enjoy a peaceful evening paddle along the Emån river. The river flows right behind our home and this will be the start of your kayak tour. You paddle downstream at an easy pace and enjoy the company of birds and beautiful nature. You will have the opportunity to see the old river bed and pass through a stone bridge from the 17th century. You can choose between a tandem kayak for two or a single kayak. If you are beginner I will paddle with you for the first 15 minutes and explain everything so you feel safe. After about two hours you will park the kayak at our second house down the river and enjoy a meal by the fire. I will serve you a traditional Swedish meal, homemade lemonade and a nice cup of coffee prepared by the fire.
Pressa din egen äpppelmust
Kom och musta din alldeles egen äppelmust. Vi kommer tillhandahålla äpplen, press, flaskor och pastöriseringsutrustning. Resten av jobbet är upp till dig och dina vänner! Vi finns med hela vägen och visar hur vi går från färska äpplen till nypressad, pastöriserad, ofiltrerad äppelmust. En lyx att ha hemma under vinterhalvåret! Halvvägs genom mustningen avnjuter vi fika - självklart hemlagad äppelpaj.
Kullaberg på cykel / Kullaberg by bike
Följ med mig till vackra Kullabygden och dess smultronställen på cykel. Med 7-växlade Skeppshultscyklar och med mig som guide tar vi oss runt Kullaberg. Med den unika naturen där hav möter berg besöker vi de pittoreska fiskelägena Mölle och Arild. Vi stannar till vid Krapperups slott. Längs vägen finns flera cafér, vingårdar och retauranger. Det blir en lugn och personlig cykeltur nära naturen i vår egen takt. Turen startar hemma hos mig på Skäret med en kopp hembryggt kaffe. Här går vi tillsammans igenom dagens tur. Målsättningen är att vi ska få en upplevelserik dag tillsammans i den vackra och unika Kullabygden. Allt detta på cykel, nära naturen, i ett lugnt tempo och på ett hållbart sätt. Kullaberg by bike helt enkelt. Varmt välkommen att hänga på du med!
Forest walk, fire techniques and a hidden ravine
Let us show you our magical surroundings and enjoy a meal by the fire together. We will walk with you through the untouched forest and show you our private and favorite spots in nature. We start the journey at our house by the river. From here we walk past the beautiful lake and into the forest. I will tell you about my love for nature and the plants, trees, birds and animals around us here. After about 30 minutes we arrive at a ravine in the forest. You will now learn to make a fire using a fire stick, birch bark and fatwood. I will take you through the process and together we will make two fires. One for the organic coffee and one for the lunch. While you explore the beautiful surroundings by the ravine, I will cook you a delicious meal over the fire you started. We always make sure everyone leaves with a full stomach. After our lunch we will take a different path home and see meadows, small streams and a beautiful stone bridge from the 1600s.
Dynamic Windsurfing Ribersborg, Malmö
Regardless of whether you have been windsurfing before or not you will improve your skills on this intense course. With the power from the wind you will slide through the water silently The course starts with theory followed by on-water training where you get feedback from an instructor on a windsurfing board. The course is in the centre of the city, making it easy to access. Other things to note This is an exclusive course, giving you the best conditions to learn windsurfing in a fun way. You will learn the correct technique making your progress easy.
El rincón de un artista: un escondite creativo en Landskrona
Express yourself in Landskrona! This unique space is your stage - make music, sing karaoke, host a cozy dinner, or crash for the night in a creatively charged atmosphere. This versatile space is yours to explore! Here's a list of potential activities: Music Karaoke, Open mic (Music or poetry), Jam Sessions, Song writing workshops, Small live performances Social Events Wine/coktail party, Themed dinner party, Game night, Creative meetups, Movie night Relaxation & Wellness Mini yoga/meditation, Book Club discussions, Creative journaling session
  1. Airbnb
  2. Suecia
  3. Sør-Sverige